Grants and Funding

Grants and funding programs allow the City of Edmonton to invest in programs, services and organizations that are helping to reach the goals identified in Connect(Ed)monton.

The City of Edmonton offers different types of funding to support efforts to build strong, connected communities. Grant programs advance economic growth, improve city vibrancy, and help businesses and organizations in our community thrive.

Grants and Funding Supports

Filter by Category:
Category Grant / Funding Description Keywords
Community Anti-racism Grant Program Overview of the Anti-racism Grant Program and the application process.
Community Revitalization Project Macro-Grant Residents, local organizations and businesses in a revitalization community can access project funding for community-led initiatives. neighbourhood
Community Neighbourhood(s) Micro-Grant Available to to support small, local (such as, block-level) projects and events outside or revitalization communities.
Community Community League Operating Grant Funding assistance to help leagues offset expenses incurred from providing programs and services to community residents. neighbourhood, CLOG
Community Community League Infrastructure Program Funding assistance to community leagues for capital costs to preserve and enhance existing facilities that provide an overall benefit to the community and value to the citizens of Edmonton. CLIP
Community Collaboration Grant Program Funding to enhance existing, or establish new, collaborations or partnerships to support the Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy. CSWB
Community Early Intervention and Intervention Grant Program Funding for early intervention and intervention programming to support the Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy. CSWB
Community Neighbourhood Connections Available to support larger neighbourhood-wide projects, initiatives and events.
Community Community League Emerging Grant A grant assisting in the establishment of new community leagues. neighbourhood
Community Community Investment Operating Grant Financial assistance to not-for-profit Edmonton-based organizations whose activities result in benefits to the city. CIOG
Community Community Mural Matching Grant Grant funding for the installation of a mural on the exterior wall of a building.
Community Emerging Immigrant and Refugee Communities Grant Program Funding for new immigrant and refugee communities in the process of settling and integrating.
Community Building Safer Communities Grant Funding to support gun and gang violence prevention and intervention programs for gang members, children, young adults and youth-at-risk.
Community Revitalization Extensive Project Fund Funding for larger-scale projects in Revitalization Areas. REPF
Community Festivals and Events Micro Grant Support to smaller outdoor city-wide community festivals and events that showcase local talents, celebrates local histories and cultures and adds vibrancy to the diverse cultural landscape of our city throughout all seasons. culture
Community Universiade '83 Foundation Provides project-specific financial assistance to agencies that advance sport, culture and the arts in Edmonton.
Business Support Corner Store Grants Targeted to neighbourhood commercial properties or properties that meet the commercial needs of local residents.
Business Support Business Improvement Area Grants For commercial buildings and businesses which are located or are planning to locate in Business Improvement Areas (BIAs). storefront, interior, development
Business Support Public Washrooms Accessibility Grant Aims to improve access to safer and cleaner washrooms for all Edmontonians and visitors. public, washrooms, BIAs
General Live Active Grant Financial support to organizations advancing a barrier free active recreation and sport system, and advancing physical literacy and quality sport and active recreation experiences for all Edmontonians. event, sport
Community Community Clean Up Grant Funds to organizations so they can conduct a community waste or litter removal project.
Community Winter Patio Grant Supports businesses in creating outdoor patios that are inviting, comfortable and vibrant places to gather during the winter season. patio, winter
General Sport Event Hosting Grant Support organizations with the hosting of provincial, national or international recreational, amateur sport events within Edmonton. active
Business Support Professional Cleaning Graffiti Program Funds towards professional graffiti-cleaning assistance to property owners. vandalism
Business Support Brownfield Redevelopment Grant Promoting redevelopment of qualified brownfield properties by covering some testing and remediation costs. commercial, industrial
General Animal Rescue Fund Supports not-for-profit pet rescue and adoption organizations providing services in Edmonton. dogs, cats
Housing Affordable Housing Investment Program Information about investment funding to increase the supply of affordable housing in Edmonton.
Housing Infill Infrastructure Fund Provides funding for shared public infrastructure to support new market and non-market multi-unit housing in nodes and corridors and near transit.
Community Heritage Community Investment Program Invests funds into the stabilization, increased professionalism and innovation of heritage in Edmonton, for Edmontonians.
Community WinterCity Festivals and Events Grant Funding to encourage local winter festivals and events. active
Business Support Window and Storefront Repair Program Provides support for the property and business owners dealing with damage as a result of vandalism.
Community Revitalization Micro-grant Available to revitalization communities to support small, local (such as block-level) projects and events. neighbourhood
Business Support Building Energy Retrofit Accelerator Financial incentives for energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy installations to commercial and institutional buildings. climate, environment
Community Operating Grant for Indigenous-led Organizations Operating grant for Indigenous-led organizations. business, culture
Business Support Edmonton Edge Fund Phase 1 of the Edmonton Edge Fund supports businesses in their efforts to start, scale and grow in Edmonton. business
General Recreation Partner and Facility Investment Program Aims to foster healthy, vibrant active communities throughout Edmonton. active, sport
Community School Bike Parking Grant Aims to increase active transportation to schools by improving secure bike parking. active, sport
Business Support Downtown Vibrancy Funding Provides funding to projects that support achieving the goals outlined in the Downtown Vibrancy Strategy. business
Community Chinatown Vibrancy Fund Supports the implementation of the Chinatown Strategy by bringing visitors into the area through festivals, events, and cultural projects, building community cohesion, and empowering residents. neighbourhood

Tips for a Successful Application

Before you apply, review all of the grant program information including:

Read the questions asked in the application and answer them completely. Include all required attachments.

Financial Information Resources

Ensuring your financial submissions are correct when applying for a grant can be difficult. To assist you with this process, we have created a specific presentation regarding your required financials.